Terms & Policies


All the contents (texts, images, graphics, layout, etc.) in this website belong to their rightful owners.
Graphics, photographs and textual content, where not specified, belong to Alice Chandler. Texts, photos and graphics entered on the website cannot be published, rewritten, marketed, distributed by the users and by third parties in general, in any way and in any form whatsoever, except prior approval by the responsible Alice Chandler.

Copyright © Mind Body Massage. All rights are reserved.

It’s forbidden the reproducing, also partial, in every form or mean, without the written permission of the author.


The whole content of this website Mind Body Massage is protected by international Copyright ©.
It’s allowed to download and print the content of the Website for personal purposes and not commercial purposes, in respect for all the requirements about the copyright and the intellectual property rights.
It’s not allowed to play on another web server all or a part of the posted material.
It’s not allowed to extract any graphic images contained in it.
The material (texts, images, graphics, layout, etc) which constitutes this website is sole property; therefore, every act directed to cheat, publish, reproduce, subtract, modify or affect this material without explicit authorisation shall be punishable based on the civil and criminal rules / provisions relating to copyright.

Whoever wants to copy, quote or reproduce pages or texts portions from this website, out of the cases allowed by the law, must be authorised.

Any further clarification regarding the modalities of the usage of the Website and the eventual requests of authorisation to use contents must be directed to Alice Chandler mindbody_massage [a] outlook.com.